Road Maintenance
The Municipality of Otter Lake maintains approximately 100 KM of roads.
The cost of roads maintenance accounts for about 1/3 of the Municipalities budget.
This includes snow plowing, winter sand/salt, graveling, grading, dust control, ditching, grass and high brush cutting.
Questions or concerns about any road in the Municipality of Otter Lake can be directed to the Otter Lake Municipal Office by e-mail, in person during business hours or by phone at 819-453-7049.
Dust Control
Calcium is applied on Municipal gravel roads about twice per year to control the dust
It is applied after the thaw in the spring and again in the late summer
Rate payers can come to the office and request bags of calcium for emergency dust control on the public road in front of their homes
Entrance Ways - Private Roads
Must be clear of all branches, trees and limbs - 12’ wide and 12’ high, in order to allow emergency vehicles (Fire and 911) access to your property.
Overnight Parking
During the winter period (November 15 to March 15 of each year) no parking on Municipal roads is allowed from the period of midnight to 6 AM. See By-law 2016-12-09 and SQ By-law 2011-01.
Violators will towed at their own cost.