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50 Plus Club

The Otter Lake 50 Plus club is a non-profit organization.

Club Motto: Be prepared to give as well as to receive

Club Purpose:

a) To unite our membership in the closest bonds of friendship, fellowship and neighbourly courtesies 
b) To provide social activities and entertainment for the benefit of our members


Occur primarily at the Raymond Johnston Community Centre (394 Rue Tessier, Otter Lake) and include: 

1. Cards (euchre), Tuesday, starting at 7:30 PM

2. Darts, Thursday, starting at 7:30 PM

3. Petanque Atout, Wednesday, starting at 1:30 PM (September to April)

4. ViaActive (exercise), Tuesday, starting at 10:00 AM

5. Various dinners and other events are arranged throughout the year



a) Any person of 50 years of age may become a member of the Club upon completing a membership application
b) Membership may be revoked by a majority vote of the Executives of the Club for troublesome and/or disorderly behavior
c) New members will be considered anytime during the year
d) Guests are welcome at most activities

50 Plus Club Executive:





Janet Lafleur: 819-453-2308

Elaine St. Aubin: 819-453-2124

Robin Zacharias: 819-453-2229

There are up to 6 directors

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